Devtools redirect Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 32

扩展ID: jmhdebkkippcccflcoddckhjjfgnfhnp

Catch and redirect resources loaded from a specific domain to any file hosted on a local or remote server.This devtools extension will allow you to work faster on your local files using the server environment, try modifications on a website without breaking it for other people. You're deciding which file(s) you want to redirect, so you can do whatever you want !

In order for the redirect to work, you need to have Devtools open for the specific tab you're testing in. Also, right now, you can only redirect .js .css .less resources.

* 02/05/13 Added folders redirection. (e.g "/images/*" -> "http://localhost/images/*")
* 19/04/13 Added images support (.jpg .png .gif .ico .svg)
* 18/04/13 Fixed the installation error.

You can NOT redirect resources to a local file using the file:// protocol. In order to redirect locally, you need to be running a local server (e.g Apache) and redirect the file to the right path using it (e.g http://localhost/my-project/css/style.css).
名称 Devtools redirect
插件标识 jmhdebkkippcccflcoddckhjjfgnfhnp
平台 Chrome
评分 1.81
评分人数 26


作者 devtoolsredirect
大小 761 KB
官网下载次数 1084
更新时间 2013-05-02 00:00:00
