小筑 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于4年前 阅读数 38

扩展ID: kdkkedkjongoeekipglhgefmafcpdclb



Prominent Disclosure Terms  突出披露事项

We respect user privacy and believe that privacy is your first priority.  

We could  not collect and use any of your data before you install and register our service, nor would we collect your data when you are not logged in. Only after you register and log in our service, we would collect data for your own recruitment purpose and all of your data and information collected could only be stored within your own registered account. Only your team members who are invited by you via invitation link could join your account. 
在您安装和注册我们的服务之前,我们不会收集和使用您的任何数据,也不会在您未登录时收集您的数据。只有在您注册并登录我们的服务后,我们才会为您自己的招聘目的收集数据 并且您收集的所有数据和信息只能存储在您自己的注册帐户中。 只有您通过邀请链接邀请的团队成员才能加入您的帐户。

All the data and information which we collect when you use our service are only stored in your account within Zhaohu. We would not share any of your data and information to any other users in Zhaohu nor would we share with any third parties without your clear consent.
我们在您使用我们的服务时收集的所有数据和信息仅存储在您在召乎的帐户中。 我们不会将您的任何数据和信息分享给任何其他用户,也不会在未经您同意的情况下与任何第三方共享。
All the data and information which we collect when you use our service are only used for your own recruitment purpose, and would not be used by us for any other unauthorized usage. 

When we say “all the data and information”, we mean “Information and Data which we collect via related sites 我们通过相关网站收集的信息和数据”.

Personal Data 个人数据 

我们会收集识别您身份的信息,例如您的姓名,地址,电话号码,手机号码,电子邮件,付款信息,公司名称以及您选择向我们提供或选择包含的其他个人身份信息。您的帐户(“ 个人资料 ”)。当您在本网站注册或使用我们的任何服务时,当您与我们沟通时,以及其他时间,您可能会被要求向我们提供个人数据。
We collect information that identifies you, such as your name, address, phone number, mobile number, email, payment information, company name, and other personally identifiable information that you choose to provide or choose to include. Your account ("Personal Data"). When you register or use any of our services on this website, you may be asked to provide us with personal data when you communicate with us and at other times.

Usage Data and Site Activity 数据使用和网站活动

我们通过cookie,网站信标和其他技术自动收集有关您的设备以及您对我们网站或服务的使用的以下信息:您使用的功能和使用服务执行的搜索; 浏览器代理名称和版本; 您查看的网页; 你在相关招聘网站上点击的链接; 你的IP地址; 您访问我们网站和/或使用我们的服务的时间长度,或引导您访问我们网站的网页(“ 使用数据 ”)。我们使用此信息来监控和改进网站和服务,增强您的在线体验,并使我们能够为您提供更简单,更个性化的体验和服务水平。我们可能会将使用数据与您提供给我们的个人数据结合使用。

We use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to automatically collect the following information about your device and your use of our website or services: the features you use and the searches performed using the services; the browser agent name and version; Web page; the link you clicked on the relevant recruitment website; your IP address; the length of time you visit our website and/or use our services, or the web page that directs you to our website ("Usage Data"). We use this information to monitor and improve our websites and services, enhance your online experience, and enable us to provide you with a simpler, more personalized experience and service level. We may use the usage data in conjunction with the personal data you provide to us.

Cookies and Anonymous Identifiers Cookie和匿名标识符

We use cookies (small text files placed on your computer to identify your computer and web browser) and can use anonymous identifiers (random strings are used for the same purpose as cookies). We use cookies and other anonymous identifiers to authenticate (to track the facts you have logged in) and analyze the use and improvement of sites and services. Most web browsers are initially set to accept cookies. You can reset your web browser to reject all cookies or when to send cookies. The Help feature on most browser menu bars will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, how to receive notifications for new cookies, and how to disable existing cookies. However, certain features of this website or service may not be effective if cookies are removed or disabled. We may combine the information in cookies or other identifiers with the personal data you provide to us.

Information You Input,collect or Upload while Utilizing Our Services 使用我们的服务时输入、收集或上传的信息

作为使用我们服务的一部分,您可以输入、收集或上传有关人才或潜在员工的信息,并可能向我们提供其他信息(统称为“ 客户数据 ”)。我们将客户数据视为机密信息,除了向提供客户数据的客户提供服务之外,不得将其用于任何其他目的。我们不会与提供客户数据的客户共享或披露客户数据。

As part of using our services, you may enter, collect or upload information about talent or potential employees and may provide us with additional information (collectively, "Customer Data"). We treat customer data as confidential and must not use it for any purpose other than to provide services to customers who provide customer data. We do not share or disclose customer data with customers who provide customer data.

4)  我们单独或与我们可能收集的有关您的其他信息(包括来自第三方的信息)一起使用这些信息,包括个人数据,用于以下目的:


We use this information, including personal data, alone or in conjunction with other information we may collect about you, including information from third parties, for the following purposes:

Provide you with websites and services, including sending you reminders about your account;
Better understand how users personally access and use our websites and services to maintain, support and improve our websites and services in response to user preferences;
Lets you know about products and other services that we think may be of interest to you.

Except as otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, we will not disclose personal data to third parties without your consent.

5) Your navigation away from our web page our extensions does not mean your consent to share any of your data and information. We would not utilize auto-dismissing or expiring messages, and these auto-dismissing or expiring messages does not mean your consent either.

隐私政策 Privacy Policy:
名称 小筑
插件标识 kdkkedkjongoeekipglhgefmafcpdclb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 https://www.mesoor.com
版本号 1.15.0
大小 1.93 MB
官网下载次数 8
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-05-09 00:00:00


