iPaste Extension Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 65

扩展ID: kpamemdmcpdaongndomehkdddjpbpmeb

Store, synchronize, explore and manage your code snippets and notes easily and quickly (a pastebin like extention)iPaste is a Chrome Extension which allows you to store, 	
synchronize and manage quickly and easily code snippets or notes.
Main features:
● quick paste code snippets
● code database manager
● download as PDF
● view as RAW (text format)
● syntax highlighter
● code snippets list synchronization between browsers
● search engine for searching in your code snippets database
● add code snippet through paste ID
● explore your code in a larger window :)
● filter source code alphabetically
● filter code snippets by syntax/category

It useful especially for keeping track of scripts that you use often. It allows you to create a small database of your code snippets. 

iPaste provides the data synchronization service, which means that if you install the extension on another computer, it will retrieve automatically the source code saved on the previous machine, associated with your account Google Chrome.

This extension lets you to store quickly source code or any textual content locally and on ipaste.eu. 

It provides also a fast access to your pastes list. Each paste can be viewed directly in the "Pastes" page of the extension or online. 

It supports syntax highlighter function for many programming languages, markup languages and style sheet languages like:
● Java
● C#
● C
● C++
● Python
● Ruby
● Visual Basic
● ...
iPaste Extension is a pastebin like extension.
名称 iPaste Extension
插件标识 kpamemdmcpdaongndomehkdddjpbpmeb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 10


作者 Vladimir Pavlov
版本号 3.0.6
大小 49.47 KB
官网下载次数 178
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-10-06 00:00:00
