Poonvis Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: lfmkjepfjgefpmgheioolpoldmcgmdkk

Plugin for the G+ Hangout, auto expand "Chat" and "Swap" the preview panel to the top when you join a HangoutUrgent update (20131030):

There is major changes on Google Hangout Interface and it breaks how Poonvis and Hangout works, please disable the extension now for the new Hangout to work.

A update version is being developed.



This is an extension for the Google+ Hangout, it will "Swap" the preview panel from the bottom of the screen to the top.

The extension is named in honor of the other extension called Rob Potvis Hangout.

Special thanks to Alexander Safonov and Tom Voute@ATG for everything about this extension.

A bit of extra if you do not see Poonvis working after extension updates, sometimes when Google changes something in G+ hangout pages, certain resources seems to be cached in browser which make Poonvis not working, long story short, please try CTRL+F5 for deep refresh your browser and you should be able to see Poonvis working.. (thanks Tom@ATG)

Version Logs:
0.1.6 (20130815)
Removed loading screen.

Previous versions:
0.1.5: (20130713)
Added support of Hangout started directly from Hangout Chat window.
Rewritten fully for better support of future changes.
0.1.4: (20130527)
Fixed a bugs where hangout window is small Poonvis does not swap the screen.
0.1.3: (20130524)
Speed up the first swap, worked on auto opening on Chat window in first join.
0.1.2: (20130320)
Added a dialog to show Poonvis is loading, don't worry, it closes itself after the swap is done. (Thanks Tom@ATG for the idea)
0.1.1: (20130128)
Google made some changes last week which breaks the plugin, we have a fix now.
0.1.0: (20121128)
It has been a while for the minor layout changing on G+Hangout, version 0.1.0 has been completely rewritten to work with these changes, it has been tested to work and better support any minor changes, please feel free to report if you find any problem or error.
Same as 0.0.8
Same as 0.0.7
Same as 0.0.6
Same as 0.0.5, another layout change. :)
Google changed the site a bit, now Poonvis works again.
A work-around for the new layout changes for Hangout, auto chat enable has "finally" been added by Google, yeah (so we skip it)
Thanks Tom for the suggestion, added handle if user were suspended or kicked a Hangout, Poonvis do not auto swap and pop chat windows again (it was only doing it once).
Somethings seems to be changed on G+ Hangout layouts which stop the swap to work, fixed. (Is Google thinking of adding this basic function? XD)
Original releases.

名称 Poonvis
插件标识 lfmkjepfjgefpmgheioolpoldmcgmdkk
平台 Chrome
评分 3.91
评分人数 11

作者 Theo Poon
版本号 0.1.6
大小 11.67 KB
官网下载次数 590
更新时间 2013-10-30 00:00:00


