MemoDepot HTML Clipper Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 79

扩展ID: lnijmgdmclmhhmgmkakgeobkaafcmmgc

Save and share clipboard HTML in its original HTML format (not screen shots) directly into your Google Drive from any browser on…Save and share clipboard HTML in its original HTML format (not screen shots) directly into your Google Drive from any browser on any page.  Links, images, text and styles are all preserved. Content indexed by Google in realtime and searched as you type. Content can also be edited or created from scratch.

* Save original HTML instead of screen shot images, making it handy to edit, follow links, combine sources and save long web pages
* Share saved data to friends using the standard Google Drive share screen directly within this app
* Work across all major browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and IE.
* Work with any gmail account. No sign up or registration is needed
* Can only access and modify files created by this app. 
* Easy toggle on/off from browser's bookmarks bar or Chrome's extension's bar (to the right of the URL box) without impacting the current page
* Saved content are fully indexed, in real time
* Search results are displayed as you type, in real time, just like Google search
* Save/load directly to/from your Google Drive without going through any other middle layer, eliminating privacy concerns.
* Seamless integration with Google Drive UI.  Can invoke Drive UI within this app directly, and can also be invoked by Drive UI using the "open with" context menu
* You have the full control of your saved data within Google Drive. Nothing is hidden.
* All the HTML contents are secured with a browser sandbox, eliminating any XSS concerns.
* Automatic title and url capture
* Allow creating brand new content from scratch
* Allow browsing, editing and deletion within the same app

To use it: 
* Install and invoke this application from Chrome
* Install the bookmarklet by drag and drop the "+MemoDepot" link to Chrome's bookmarks bar (optional).  For non-Chrome browsers go to to install the bookmarklet.
* Navigate to any page of your interest, select the interested html component and press "Ctrl + C" to copy to clipboard
* Click the "+MemoDepot" link in the browser's bookmarks bar, or click the MemoDepot icon next to the browser's URL box
* Paste (Ctrl + V) the selected html into the big box within the HTML Clipper application
* Click "Login to Google Drive" from the HTML Clipper and click "Save" button to save the clipped html content to Google Drive
* Click "View" button to enter view mode, which allows you to follow links.  Some web sites do not allow page navigation within an iframe, in which case use Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click to open the link in a new tab or popup window
* Click "Share" button to bring up share screen to share your saved content to your friends
* Type in the search box and the search result will be displayed in real time. Click an entry will load it to the app for detail view and edit
* Click "Recent" next to the search box will display a dropdown of your recently saved entries. Click one will load it into the app from Google Drive
* Click the "+MemoDepot" link on bookmarks bar or the MemoDepot icon next to the address box again to dismiss it. Click again to bring it back.
名称 MemoDepot HTML Clipper
插件标识 lnijmgdmclmhhmgmkakgeobkaafcmmgc
平台 Chrome
评分 1.5
评分人数 2

作者 MemoDepot
版本号 1.4
大小 15.2 KB
官网下载次数 85
更新时间 2013-08-30 00:00:00
