Los Altos High Helper Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: makmppippmckkphonaepfkeabodgohaj

A collection of tools designed for students at Los Altos High (MVLA). Targets Google Classroom, Aeries, and the Bell Countdown.Los Altos High Helper aims to improve your school workflow. It combines a collection of various tools into one easy to access extension. It offers support on Google Classroom, Aeries, and the Bell Countdown (provided by countdown.zone / bell.lahs.club). 

==Google Classroom==
The main idea behind the Google Classroom integration is to help improve UI for efficiency. It targets the Classroom "class list" page, providing students the ability to adjust the content on the page and streamline it for viewing sake. It allows students to rename classes into consistent names, adjust colors and images to be visually simple, and even highlights the current class a student is in, so they can quickly access that class' dashboard. Although the changes may seem simple, it is our hope to bring a sense of clarity to students faster, on a service they use every day.

From the BetterSIS extension, the Aeries implementation is an aide on two fronts. For one, it provides you with a quick 
 and discrete way to check your grades, and even see at a glance what has changed, and how (instead of having to figure out what your grade used to be, etc). Additionally, on the Aeries website itself, it cleans the UI to be much more streamlined only showing you really what you're interested in, and hiding all of the bloat. When you open a classes page, you also have the option to add fake assignments to your grade book, to see the impact of a test or homework assignment easily, before it's actually entered (note: this only works for percentage weighted grade books and will not work for accumulative point grade books at this time. Aeries supports a large number of grade book types and lots of teachers have different styles. Your milage and accuracy on these calculations may vary.)

From the popular LAHS Bell / bell.lahs.club / countdown.zone website and extension, LAHH incorporates a live schedule together with your Aeries as well (see: https://github.com/nicolaschan/bell). Easily check your grades AND when you're free from class, all in one extension.

== Privacy ==
LAHH runs entirely within your own browser and will not transmit any sensitive data outside of it except directly to Aeries to validate your login credentials and to fetch updated grades. These login credentials are saved on your computer and are never transmitted or synced across the internet, except to Aeries. Classroom settings are synced with your Google account, transmitting your name substitution and settings for Google Classroom classes. Countdown.zone may collect statistics on your usage of their product, see their terms for information. Usage data is anonymously stored for analytical purposes.

Developed for MVLA District. Created for Aeries v8.17.9.29. May be incompatible with older / newer versions.
名称 Los Altos High Helper
插件标识 makmppippmckkphonaepfkeabodgohaj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2


作者 Kendall Goto
版本号 2.20
大小 125 KB
官网下载次数 189
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-12-11 00:00:00
