Conferfly Extension Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: mdkfiaghmngifghdafgglpfoimheoggb

Conferfly Management ExtensionIt can do the following :-

✓ Conferfly in Kiosk Mode
 Sets Conferfly in Kiosk Mode (Full Screen). This can be applied now or configured for a specific time when using the option below.

✓ Close all Tabs/Windows and Reload Conferfly Daily at Specific Time
Enables browser clean up by automatically closing all windows and tabs at the defined time each day. Conferfly will be reloaded and will enter Kiosk Mode if enabled above. The default browser cleanup is set for midnight.

✓ Display Exit Button on All Pages
Adds an exit button to the top left of the screen, as displayed on this page, to allow users to close tabs easily (Helpful in Kiosk Mode).

✓ Keep Computer Awake
Prevents screen (monitor/tv) from dimming and locking without changing the power settings on the computer.

✓ Add Incognito Browser Button to Rooms
Adds a Chrome Incognito button to your Conferfly rooms that will open a new window in incognito mode.

✓ Auto-lock Conferfly Room After 10 Minutes 
Automatically locks Conferfly room after ten minutes to prevent users from accessing other rooms or settings on the Conferfly account and redirecting them to the locked room. Rooms can be manually locked or unlocked by toggling the lock option.

✓ Open Microsoft Teams Meetings in Browser and Auto-Start/Close
Microsoft Teams meetings will be started through a new browser tab after being opened. This tab will close automatically when the call has ended. This is a helpful alternative to joining meetings without installing additional applications.

✓ Open Zoom Meetings in Browser and Auto-Start/Close
Zoom meetings will be started through a new browser tab after being opened. This tab will close automatically when the call has ended. This is a helpful alternative to joining meetings without installing additional applications.

✓ Close Google Meet Tab Automatically when Call Ends
Enabling this option will automatically close the Meet tab when the call has ended.
名称 Conferfly Extension
插件标识 mdkfiaghmngifghdafgglpfoimheoggb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 4

作者 conferfly
版本号 1.0.6
大小 23.46 KB
官网下载次数 33
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-22 00:00:00