SCP Wiki Tools Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 29

扩展ID: mlekifkggmodhopdfdpiofjnipnonmfn

Links together various userscripts for the SCP Foundation websiteA set of user-scripts, to alter and hopefully improve the experience of browsing the SCP Wiki. All code originally written by Crayne. All features can be turned on or off at will, though a page reload will be required for any changes to take effect.

Features include:
Deadlinks: shows at the top of main series if any links are currently pointing to nonexistent pages.
HIRTOY? or 'Have I Read This One Yet': shows checkmarks on SCP articles marked as read.
Prev/Next: buttons on every main series article.
Remove Rating: prevents the display of the the page votes bar at the top, and removes the number of votes displayed at the bottom of a page.
Real Votes: shows a new link under the page votes bar that displays in-depth rating info.
Author Karma: change forum karma bar to being based off of the number of articles the author has written.
Staff IDs: ever think that there are too many staff to keep track of? Now staff positions can be displayed under forum usernames.
PM Links: Displays a little button next to usernames that quick-links to sending a PM to that user.
Jumpbox: Displays a box at the very top of the page that allows one to leap straight to any scp article, or any other article on the site. Spaces are automatically replaced with dashes.


The SCP Wiki, and all derivative works, are licensed under the CC-BY-SA, version 3.0. Thus, all artwork and usage of "SCP Foundation" and similar are covered under that license. The code separate from the foundation is unlicensed, however if derived without inclusion of the CC license, all media relevant to the foundation cannot be included.
名称 SCP Wiki Tools
插件标识 mlekifkggmodhopdfdpiofjnipnonmfn
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 4

作者 runetynan
版本号 1.0.8
大小 1.65 MB
官网下载次数 933
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-01-28 00:00:00
