DDT - Don't Dupe Tabs Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 51

扩展ID: ncbjbdeipjpnhfeggbbdkiibhpjaieef

Tries to help people with a compulsive tabs opening habit by preventing duplicated tabsDDT tries to help people with a compulsive tabs opening habit by preventing duplicated tabs. It won't cure you, but hopefully you'll suffer less.

The Context

I tend to open and reopen the very same tabs again and again, just to refresh their content. I've usually got lots (150+ on several browser windows) of open tabs, and even with the use of some Chrome extensions it takes too much time to find the one I want to refresh. So, since my Bookmarks Bar is full, and I reopen the website I want to read once again. And again. And again.

The Need

I don't want to care anymore about duplicated tabs. Please remove them for me, oh mighty browser, whenever I open another tab with a link already present somewhere else.

The Result

Whenever the user opens a new tab, either via CTRL/CMD+click on a link or Right click -> Open in new tab, the extension looks for any other open tabs with the very same url and close them if found.

You can enable/disable the extension by clicking on the extension action icon.

Is it safe?

DDT requires two kind of permissions from Chrome:

-tabs: to access the tabs list with their urls
-storage: to save the enabled/disabled state

It does not:

access the network (in any way, not even for checking for updates)
read the contents of the opened pages
It could:

close some tabs you don't want to close: this extension is in Beta stage. I've never lost anything I did not expect to lose in all the testing I did, but please don't hold me responsible if anything bad happens
Known limitations

It activates only when the user requests a new tab, not when you are clicking on a link that opens a new tab
If you really want a duplicate tab, you can open a blank tab (only one a time ;) ) and then paste the link
If a link/bookmark does a redirect in more than 250ms, thus changing the tab url or scheme (i.e. http page redirecting to the same page served in https) later, it won't be matched
名称 DDT - Don't Dupe Tabs
插件标识 ncbjbdeipjpnhfeggbbdkiibhpjaieef
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1

作者 psychowood
版本号 0.2
大小 446 KB
官网下载次数 83
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2017-11-04 00:00:00
