529andYou Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 0

扩展ID: nekcpognkifhchlmgddjajmaiplidfhn

Tracks 23andMe Matches using a local database529andYou version collects matching segment information about DNA matches and stores it in a local SQLite database on your computer. If you click on one of your DNA relatives to bring up his or her comparison page, you will see a button labeled "Triangulate into 529andYou" immediately below the list of relatives in common. Clicking on this button will compare you and your match to everyone on that list who has "Yes" in the "Shared DNA" column and store it in the local database. Clicking on the "Open 529andYou" button will generate a page where you can review these and other comparisons.

Alternatively, you can go to your DNA comparison page and select relatives to compare to one another. Clicking on the "Compare into 529andYou" button will cause the designated comparisons to be silently performed into the 529andYou local database in the background. Once again, clicking on the "Open 529andYou" button will generate a page for reviewing these and other comparisons.

Note that matching segments are rounded to the nearest millionth base pair for backwards compatibility with records downloaded at a time when 23andMe similarly rounded all segments.

A variety of controls and functions are accessible from the 529andYou page. Some less obvious functions include:

"Download CSV": downloads a CSV file that can be loaded into spreadsheet programs like Excel; holding down the shift key while clicking will include 23andMe ID's in the downloaded CSV file. If 23andMe ID's are included, the file can be re-imported using the "Import CSV" button. Alt-clicking will also include "chromosome 100" matches that 529andYou uses internally to track whether two people have been compared to one another.

"Download GEFX": downloads a file that can be imported into Gephi (https://gephi.org/)

Phase: This field is intended to show the parent through whom the first listed person is related to the second listed person. The options and some examples for setting your own phase (assuming that your own name appears first) are:

? (unknown) anyone you don't have enough information to classify further

M (maternal) your mother or anyone to whom you are related through her but not through your father

P (paternal) your father or anyone to whom you are related through him but not through your mother

B (both) your descendants, your full siblings and their descendants, any double cousins to whom you are related through both parents

N (neither) false matches (usually less than 7 cM) who cannot be reconciled as coming from either parent

While you may ultimately conclude that a particular segment shared with someone to whom you are known to be related through both of your parents derives entirely from only one of your parents, it is recommended that you start with the B label for such people if your parents haven't been tested, even if Family Inheritance shows only a single strand match on the segment.

Label: Any set of labels you choose

Match phase: This field is intended to show the parent through whom the second listed person is related to the first listed person. Please see the Phase field above for details.

Match label: This field allows you to enter a label that indicates something useful about how the second iisted person relates to the first listed person. Please see the Label field above for details.

Common ancestors: This field allows you to enter information about the most recent common ancestors for the two people who match. This field cannot include commas.

By default, these phase, label and common ancestor fields are not displayed when the display mode is anything other than "Edit Phasing Information and Ancestors". This maintains backwards compatibility and minimizes clutter for those choosing not to use these new fields. To override this default, you the radio buttons on the line that starts with "Always display:" to select the category or categories of new fields that you want displayed (these will take effect the next time you display new information).

ll components of 529ndYou version except the associated PNG image files and the javascript file FileSaver.js are hereby placed into the public domain. The FileSaver.js file is freely available through the X11/MIT license (see https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/ )
名称 529andYou
插件标识 nekcpognkifhchlmgddjajmaiplidfhn
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 38

作者 neanderling
大小 58.07 KB
官网下载次数 2000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-04-07 00:00:00


