WP Smart Tags Review Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 84

扩展ID: njeboejlcifmfjhnahmlknpoocpcgojd

New Get this AWESOME Tool That Every WP Membership Site Needs To Be ProfitableWP Smart Tags Review

WP Smart Tags is the perfect add-on to any WordPress based membership site.  It allows membership site owners to not only track member activity, but also INFLUENCE member behavior and CONTROL member content based on that behavior.

This Is The Ultimate Software To Automatically Monitor, Control And Influence Member Behavior To Increase Retention And Grow A WordPress Membership Site

WP Smart Tag Features Include:

* Smart Tagging - automatically assign tags based on member action.

* Automations - create automated sequences to dynamically release of content (for rewards, content scheduling, member re-engagement and much much more!)

* Member Tracking - detailed member history file showing pages viewed, links clicked, login frequency and more!

* Member Notes - keep a notes file on each member.

* Complete Control based on Tags - control display of widgets, navigation bars, pages, in-page content.

* Gamification - Reward members by tracking engagement scores (display top 10 members in the sidebar widget).

* Detailed Analytics - Graphical display of retention rate, churn rate, member engagement, login frequency, tag usage, and more!

<--Checkout the review and demo video to the left to see just how easy WP Smart Tags is to use.

Buy through my link and receive the following BONUSES:

1. Affiliate Authority
2. Affiliate Marketing Primer
3. Affiliate Marketing Secrets
4. Affiliate Marketing Superstar
5. Affiliate Money Machine
6. How To Use Affiliate Newsletters

***You will also receive an additional 6 unannounced BONUSES*** 

名称 WP Smart Tags Review
插件标识 njeboejlcifmfjhnahmlknpoocpcgojd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0


作者 dp728971
版本号 1
大小 1.03 MB
官网下载次数 9
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-01-28 00:00:00
