PanLex Translator Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 3

扩展ID: obidhnadghkedhchgkfgamcbogbdmbcj

View translations of words from any language to any languageHow to use
1) After installing this extension, please either reload your open tabs or restart Chrome.
2) Click the extension icon (next to Chrome address bar) to open "Extension Options".
3) Select the languages you want to translate "from" and "to". Choose "Auto Detect" for "Translate from" if you want the extension to automatically identify the source language.
4) If you could not find the language you prefer, click "more languages" on the "Extension Options" menu to open a table of all supported languages.
5) Search for your preferred language by typing the language name under "Language Name", and select it by click the radio button on its left (translate from) or right (translate to).
6) Select the word/phrase you want to translate on a webpage.
7) By default, this extension will show a popup window when you select or double-click a word/phrase. To change this behaviour, a trigger key can be set in the "Extension Options" menu. After setting the trigger key to "Alt/Option", the popup window will only be shown when you select/double click a word/phrase *and* press "Option" (Mac OSX) or "Alt" (Other systems) at the same time.

This extension demonstrates the inter/intra-lingual translation functionalities of PanLex (, a project of The Long Now Foundation ( The PanLex open-source database aims to document all known lexical translations and thereby to help users express any lexical concept in any language.  PanLex editors are consulting thousands of dictionaries and other knowledge sources to build the database, which already documents a billion lexical translations, from which billions more can be derived. This extension is built upon this database, by using its public API (

- When installed, provide translations between 9231 languages, by selecting words/phrases on webpages. (Information about supported languages can be found at
- Provide the option to automatically identify the source language of the selected content. This automatic language identification supports 97 languages as described at

- Many direct translations between two languages are not available, we will implement 2-step translations in future updates.
- This extension only supports English lemmatization at the moment. We will introduce lemmatization for other languages in future updates.
- This extension only supports word-level and phrase-level translations. 

The development of this extension has been supported by many people, who made the release of this extension possible. Particular mention goes to people who have given me indispensable help and stimulation: Jonathan Pool <[email protected]>, David Kamholz <[email protected]>, Marco Lui <[email protected]>, and Timothy Baldwin <[email protected]>.

This extension also extensively uses source code from the open source community, and borrows ideas from other similar applications:
- Thanks to Marco Lui <[email protected]> who provided the Javascript version ( of his language identification tool `` (
- This extension is heavily inspired by a similar translation extension from Google, namely Google Dictionary (, which mainly focuses on 13 languages.
- This extension also makes use of jQuery ( and tablesorter (
- This extension also uses English lemmatization exception dictionaries from WordNet (
名称 PanLex Translator
插件标识 obidhnadghkedhchgkfgamcbogbdmbcj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 6

作者 Li Wang
版本号 1.4.1
大小 2.72 MB
官网下载次数 652
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2016-10-21 00:00:00
