Domain visualizer Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 65

扩展ID: ocpeldmmenlcanjkjbmgdbckgilimkme

Monitors and visualize domains.Domain visualizer monitors the current domain for you and tries to match it to one of the stored domains.
If the domain matches a stored one, html is prepended into the body of the DOM.

This extension is very handy for web developers who often get confused if the website displaying in front of them is a local one or the test/production website of your client.

The html prepended into the dom can be configured in the add domain modal, there you can either configure the pre selected configuration options or you can insert your own custom html.

- Domain monitoring
- Custom html
- Import/Export
- Domain root discovery
- Popup with listed domains for quick access to the monitored domains.
- Domain sync by google account sign on



  - Edit development settings now shows previous chosen settings.
  - Empty groups not displaying in the dropdown.
  - Prevented that the development settings-key would be displayed in the dropdown under the 'No group' group 


  - When not assigning a group to the domain, it does not appear in the popup


- Added local development settings, using a regex to match localhosts.
- Allow grouping of domains.
- Change the dropdown menu so you can browse through groups and going to the given domain by clicking on a item in the group.
- Add a link to go to the option page. from the dopdown

Older updates:
 - v1.0: initial release.
 - v1.1: The coloured diff does not wait for the dom ready event anymore. 
 - v1.1.1: bug fix that was introduced in v1.1, that the plugin wouldn`t load anymore cause of missing images.
名称 Domain visualizer
插件标识 ocpeldmmenlcanjkjbmgdbckgilimkme
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 3

作者 Maikel Bollemeijer
版本号 1.2.2
大小 367 KB
官网下载次数 93
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-08-03 00:00:00
