世界时钟 - 时区转换器 - Chrome 应用商店 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: oegokmdgcdhpbalhkgffigoebbkkijae

世界时钟与时区转换器 - 轻松查看全球时间,快速比较多个城市时区,支持所有国家和主要城市。精确实时同步,旅行、商务、远程工作必备工具。“时区转换器 - 世界时钟” 是一款简洁且易于使用的世界时钟应用程序与小工具。无论您是商务出差、旅游度假,还是与海外朋友保持联系,这款功能强大的工具都能为您提供全球各地的准确时间和时区信息,满足您对时间的精确需求。



⭐ 全球时区覆盖:显示所有时区,涵盖各国和丰富城市信息。您可以快速搜索并添加所需城市,轻松查看其当前时间。

📶 离线使用:所有功能均可离线使用,无需联网。

🌍 一目了然:支持同时查看多个时区,无需频繁切换页面。

⌨️ 快捷键支持:提供快捷键查看功能,方便快速获取添加的时间数据。

💸 完全免费:所有功能均可免费使用,无需额外收费。

🕒 多种时钟格式:支持12小时制和24小时制两种显示格式。

🔒 安全可靠:绝对不会获取您的个人信息或与第三方分享您的数据,确保您的隐私安全。

🌙 夜间模式:支持夜间模式切换,为您提供更舒适的使用体验。



🌐 国际会议:帮助您安排跨国会议,方便查看全球同事的时间,轻松协调会议时间。

✈️ 出国旅行:旅行时的得力助手,让您随时掌握目的地的时间信息。

📞 联系海外亲友:准确了解外国朋友或旅行中的亲友所在地区的时间,便于沟通交流。

🕰️ 时区转换:方便进行时区转换,解决跨时区的时间问题。

🌎 精准时间查询:搜索并获取任何地区的当前时间,满足您的时间查询需求。



🛠️ 下载并安装:从谷歌插件应用商店下载并安装“时区转换器 - 世界时钟”。

🔍 搜索并添加:打开应用并搜索所需的城市/时区/国家,将其添加到页面。

✅ 查看时间:添加后,页面会自动展示实时时间。

❌ 删除时间:通过页面右上角的叉号可以删除已添加的时间。

📢 提交建议:使用右上角的更多按钮提交您的使用建议或意见,或为插件评分。



如果您希望轻松获取全球时间信息并了解更多城市,请下载并体验“时区转换器 - 世界时钟”!


Why Choose "World Time - GlobalTimeHub"?

"World Time - GlobalTimeHub" is a simple and user-friendly world clock application and widget. Whether you're on a business trip, vacationing, or keeping in touch with friends overseas, this powerful tool provides you with accurate time and time zone information from around the globe, meeting your precise time needs.


Key Features:

⭐ Global Time Zone Coverage
Displays all time zones, covering countries and a wealth of city information. Quickly search for and add the cities you need to easily view their current time.

📶 Offline Use
All features are available offline, without the need for an internet connection.

🌍 Clear Overview
Supports viewing multiple time zones simultaneously without the need to switch pages frequently.

⌨️ Keyboard Shortcut Support
Provides keyboard shortcuts for quick access to the time data you’ve added.

💸 Completely Free
All features are available for free, with no additional charges.

🕒 Multiple Clock Formats
Supports both 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats.

🔒 Safe and Reliable
Absolutely no personal information is collected or shared with third parties, ensuring your privacy is secure.

🌙 Night Mode
Supports night mode for a more comfortable viewing experience.


Use Cases:

🌐 International Meetings
Helps schedule international meetings by allowing you to easily view the time of colleagues around the world, making coordination effortless.

✈️ Travel
A handy tool for your travels, keeping you informed of the time in your destination.

📞 Contacting Overseas Friends and Family
Accurately know the time in the locations of your friends or family abroad, facilitating communication.

🕰️ Time Zone Conversion
Makes it easy to convert between time zones and resolve time-related issues across different regions.

🌎 Precise Time Queries
Search for and obtain the current time in any location, satisfying your time inquiry needs.


How to Use:

🛠️ Download and Install
Download and install "World Time - GlobalTimeHub" from the Google Plugin Store.

🔍 Search and Add
Open the app and search for the desired city/time zone/country, then add it to the page.

✅ View Time
Once added, the page will automatically display the real-time information.

❌ Delete Time
Remove added times using the "X" icon at the top right of the page.

📢 Submit Feedback
Use the "More" button at the top right to submit your suggestions or feedback, or rate the plugin.

Thank you for using our app! We welcome your valuable suggestions!

If you want easy access to global time information and learn more about various cities, download and experience "World Time - GlobalTimeHub"!
名称 世界时钟 - 时区转换器 - Chrome 应用商店
插件标识 oegokmdgcdhpbalhkgffigoebbkkijae
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 93

版本号 3.5.0
大小 560 B
官网下载次数 104
更新时间 2024-10-15 00:00:00
