Dominion Point Counter Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 38

扩展ID: oilbmfdendkfeipedcpnpifkclfckalk

Dominion Point CounterThis extension keeps track of info during a game of dominion on

- tracks # of cards and points for each player
- can replace the faq/signout buttons with this info
- acts as a chatbot and introduces commands at game start

Commands supported currently:
- !status - Prints out the current points / cards for all players.
- !disable - If allowed (default), turns off the point counter

Extension disabling can be turned off, but only if the user status message mentions the point counter (Auto▼Count). This means you'll never be surprised by someone having a point counter and then not be able to disable it.

You can see the source code and file bugs / contribute here:
Please be sure to report any issues there.

Known issues:
- Masquerade with more than 2 players causes unknown info. In such a case, the extension can't see anything. It writes a warning about this.

== v5.3.5 ==
- Nothing meaningful. Update manifest file since chrome wants me to.
== v5.3.4 ==
- Add screenshot link to the status announcement.
== v5.3.3 ==
- Remove accidental inclusion of .git files.
== v5.3.2 ==
- Work around isotropic logs for Possession + Border Village
== v5.3.1 ==
- Hide per card counts on disable.
== v5.3 ==
- Preserve automatch settings.
== v5.2.4 ==
- Fix various cards with Trader that are missing gain messages.
== v5.2.3 ==
- Fix Mountebank with Trader
== v5.2.2 ==
- Fix issue with !status output including html.
== v5.2.1 ==
- Fix issue with first turn gains (from Ill-Gotten Gains, etc).
== v5.2 ==
- Handle player names with commas.
- Use player colours in status strings.
== v5.1 ==
- Handle Trader + Embargo.
- Accept player names with only '.' in them.
== v5.0 ==
- Added UI for displaying all cards owned by all players.
- Several bug fixes.
== v4.7.2 ==
- Fix bug in counting of Tunnel as a victory card from last release.
== v4.7.1 ==
- Don't count Tunnel / Fool's Gold as action cards for Vineyard.
== v4.7 ==
- Added a new !details command which shows entire decks for each player.
== v4.6.2 ==
- Fixes for some uses of Tunnel and Noble Brigands.
== v4.6.1 ==
- Add support for Noble Brigands.
== v4.6 ==
- Properly handle Tunnel.
- Fix Saboteur with multiple reveals.
- Fix handling of some player names.
== v4.5 ==
- Fix issue with Trader and Mountebank.
- Fixed automatic bugreporting.
== v4.4 ==
- Initial Hinterlands support.
== v4.3.3 ==
- Restore missing messages like "Waiting for Bob to discard...".
== v4.3.2 ==
- Fixed a bug that allowed disabling disable without setting a status message.
== v4.3.1 ==
- Improvements on how logs are retained.
== v4.3 ==
- Fix extension after latest server release.
== v4.2 ==
- Only allow disable until turn 5.
== v4.1.3 ==
- Fixed issues reported in displaying scores.
== v4.1.2 ==
- Fixed a Possession bug.
== v4.1.1 ==
- Fixed a few small reload bugs.
== v4.1 ==
- Stop showing full game log after disable.
== v4.0 ==
- Added support for solitaire games.
- Show full game log instead of recent turns (like isotropic used to do).
- Fixed a bug where built-in point tracker wasn't required after the first game.
== v3.3.4 ==
- Fix showing special counts (like #actions, #uniques, #duchies).
== v3.3.3 ==
- Make lobby load less flaky. Removed extra debug statement.
== v3.3.2 ==
- Always enable point tracker for proposed and automatched games.
名称 Dominion Point Counter
插件标识 oilbmfdendkfeipedcpnpifkclfckalk
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 48

作者 drheld
版本号 5.3.5
大小 52.08 KB
官网下载次数 386
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2012-07-16 00:00:00