WompChat Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 73

扩展ID: ojmdgniicplehoccoggghbgcliebalhj

Enhances the YouTube Live Streaming experience with Emotes, Custom Styling and quality of life improvements.Quality of life improvements for YouTube live stream.

------ Adds in Emotes from various popular sites ------
😈 Currently includes ~500 Top and Trending Emotes from BTTV, FrankerFaces and Twitch Global Emotes. 

------ Adds custom styling options for a better chat experience ------
✅ Enhanced Theater Mode - Just Stream and Chat
✅ Font Size changes
✅ Default Selection to Live Chat - Rather than Top Chat
✅ Hide Author Icons
✅ Show Hidden TimeStamps
✅ Alternate line coloring for readability 
✅ Changing Username Colors for readability 
✅ Twitch Styling
✅ Hide the Welcome Banner

------ Add custom chat functionality ------
✅ Click a username in the chat to automatically append @ to the input area.

------ Soon To Come ------
🔜 Stream Overlay For Chat That Shows Emotes
🔜 Autocomplete for emote Selection
🔜 Unicode Font Converter
🔜 Theater Mode for regular YouTube
🔜 Better Moderation Option
🔜 User Profile Info Popup
🔜 YouTube Chatbot
🔜 Emote Library
🔜 Upload Your Own Emotes
🔜 Specific channel Emotes for WompChat
名称 WompChat
插件标识 ojmdgniicplehoccoggghbgcliebalhj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1


版本号 1.0.5
大小 322 KB
官网下载次数 12
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-11-18 00:00:00


