Site Blocker Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于4年前 阅读数 56

扩展ID: oohkinmgbkhgcobnipoijafcjgfcogpk

Protect your time and experience by blocking unnecessary websites.Site Blocker是一种生产力工具,可以永久或按计划拒绝访问网站。 为自己关闭废弃的网站或保护您的孩子免受讨厌的内容。 通过阻止所有网站不受欢迎的类别安全地使用网络。

根据您的需要为域名进行自定义设置。 使用Site Blocker,您可以一直阻止网站,也可以按计划阻止其他网站。 分别为所有域选择工作日或小时,或者为所有域选择相同

网站拦截器是一种阻止内容的高级工具。 有用的功能和强大的功能:
 - 按类别或单词阻止网站
 - 为阻止的域设置工作计划
 - 创建域白名单
 - 阻止一个或多个网站

Block waste websites permanently or by schedule. Protect your time and browsing experience.

Site Blocker is a productivity tool that denyes an access to websites permanently or by schedule. Close waste websites for yourself or protect your children from nasty content. Use the net safely by blocking all websites from unwanted category.

Make custom setting for domains according to your needs. With Site Blocker you are able to block website for all time as well as block other website by schedule. Choose working days or hours for all domains separately or the same for all.

Site blocker is an advanced tool to block content. Useful functional with great features:
- Block site by categories or by words
- Set up working schedule for blocked domains
- Create a domain whitelist 
- Block one or several websites


Block sites
Block one or several websites by adding accurate domain name. Enjoy your time without wasted websites.

Blocking schedule
Apply individual blocking schedule for each websites or set up schedule for all blocked domains at once. 

Block by categories
Choose domain categories that won’t be shown during your web surfing.

Block by words
Add separate words or phrase to block all domains contain related content. 

Site White list
Sites from this list avoid all blocking settings.

Site Blocker blocks one or several websites by adding accurate domain name. Enjoy your time without wasted websites. Apply individual blocking schedule for each websites or set up schedule for all blocked domains at once. Choose domain categories that won’t be shown during your web surfing. Add separate words or phrase to block all domains contain related content. Sites from this list avoid all blocking settings.

- Blocking schedule
- Block by categories
- Block by words
- Site White list

Block waste websites permanently or by schedule. Protect your time and browsing experience.

Site Blocker is a productivity tool that denyes an access to websites permanently or by schedule. Close waste websites for yourself or protect your children from nasty content. Use the net safely by blocking all websites from unwanted category.

Make custom setting for domains according to your needs. With Site Blocker you are able to block website for all time as well as block other website by schedule. Choose working days or hours for all domains separately or the same for all.

Site blocker is an advanced tool to block content. Useful functional with great features:
- Block site by categories or by words
- Set up working schedule for blocked domains
- Create a domain whitelist 
- Block one or several websites


Block sites
Block one or several websites by adding accurate domain name. Enjoy your time without wasted websites.

Blocking schedule
Apply individual blocking schedule for each websites or set up schedule for all blocked domains at once. 

Block by categories
Choose domain categories that won’t be shown during your web surfing.

Block by words
Add separate words or phrase to block all domains contain related content. 

Site White list
Sites from this list avoid all blocking settings.

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名称 Site Blocker
插件标识 oohkinmgbkhgcobnipoijafcjgfcogpk
平台 Chrome
评分 3.87
评分人数 112

作者 Soli Software Inc
版本号 1.6.5
大小 1.38 MB
官网下载次数 100000
更新时间 2020-07-30 00:00:00
