Spotify Web Player Hotkeys Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: pdcbjjmgfakcbbchppeemlfpfgkdmjji

Add keyboard shortcuts to control playback in Spotify Web.Adds the following default keyboard shortcuts to

    Play/Pause media key: play, pause – opens a Spotify tab Spotify if necessary!
    Previous media key: previous track
    Next media key: next track

There is no default shortcut, but you can also bind keys for:

    Navigating to the home page or the search page – opens a Spotify tab if necessary!
    Toggle shuffle
    Toggle repeat (single song, whole playlist, disabled)
    Toggle song like (since 2024, requires focusing the browser tab)
    Toggle showing the queue sidebar
    Toggle showing "now playing" sidebar
    Toggle showing lyrics
    Increase, decrease & mute volume
    Seek backward & forward in both songs (±5 seconds) and podcasts (±15 seconds)

You can customize these shortcuts and make them global hotkeys (not just while Chrome is in focus) by opening chrome://extensions/shortcuts.

Warning: Chrome/Chromium is known to not correctly register hotkeys after you've changed them in chrome://extensions/shortcuts. Please restart your browser by visiting chrome://restart after changes to shortcuts/hotkeys if you experience issues.

This extension relies on the HTML/CSS structure of the website. Spotify might break it by changing their frontend. Please report issues by clicking on the Support link.


  * Version 1.4.0: Fix un-liking songs. Add new shortcuts for opening home page, opening search page, showing lyrics, showing "now playing".
  * Version 1.3.1: Add new shortcut that either opens Spotify or cycles through home, search and queue pages. Add "interaction required" warning dialog.
  * Version 1.2.1: Fix volume slider not working.
  * Version 1.2.0: Make seek shortcuts work for songs as well as podcasts
  * Version 1.1.0: Add shortcuts for volume up / down / mute.
  * Version 1.0.0: Migrate to Manifest V3 so the extension remains functional after 2022. Add a workaround for the "Spotify Lyrics" third-party extension.
  * Version 0.6.2: Fix many broken buttons caused by a revamp of the toolbar design.
  * Version 0.6.1: Fix broken "like".
  * Version 0.6.0: Add short on-click animation; add Podcast seek shortcuts; fix broken "repeat" button.
  * Version 0.5.1: Add translations.
  * Version 0.5.0: Fix broken "repeat".
  * Version 0.4.0: Fix broken "next", "like", "repeat" and "shuffle".
  * Version 0.3.0: Fix broken "play/pause" and "next".
名称 Spotify Web Player Hotkeys
插件标识 pdcbjjmgfakcbbchppeemlfpfgkdmjji
平台 Chrome
评分 4.3
评分人数 44

版本号 1.4.0
大小 26 B
官网下载次数 5000
更新时间 2024-05-21 00:00:00