Tzell FindIt Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 50

扩展ID: pdlkkmgdacfinfkdjdjdgaiochjoipll

We know corporate travelers prefer to search for flights at more agile online websites instead of their corporate booking tool.…We know corporate travelers prefer to search for flights at more agile online websites instead of their corporate booking tool. With FindIt, travelers can search at an airline or travel website for their flight, but still check company policy and purchase corporate discounts automatically through Short’s Travel Management.
Here’s how it works. Download the FindIt App browser extension for Chrome and then search for flights at an airline or travel website. When you find a flight at any website (including airline websites), the FindIt App will ask if you want to complete your booking with Short’s Travel. Enter your email address and click the FindIt button, and we will email you the flight details, corporate discounts, policies, and any lower fares found on other airlines. Then Book your flight from your email and check-out using your FindIt profile with Short’s Travel. See a video demonstration here:
Let us show you what we can do! Try it out for free today!

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名称 Tzell FindIt
插件标识 pdlkkmgdacfinfkdjdjdgaiochjoipll
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 padev
版本号 2.0.35
大小 302 KB
官网下载次数 12
更新时间 2017-04-20 00:00:00
