WebTop - Quick login tool Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 81

扩展ID: phbooabomhiefkllgocicphjpcaijdgi

Quick authorization in a single click for WebTop. WebTop is online desktop with a collection of applications.This application enables to enter your Webtop (your online desktop) in a single click.

Webtop is a WebOS prototype - http://unet.com 

It gives you the possibility to use a number of online applications by means of a browser only. It has desktop-like appearance and management system. 

The most powerful WebTop’s application is a website manager. It is integrated with a free website builder uCoz - http://ucoz.com

The application is official and ensures the maximal level of your desktop and websites security.
名称 WebTop - Quick login tool
插件标识 phbooabomhiefkllgocicphjpcaijdgi
平台 Chrome
评分 4.06
评分人数 32

The uCoz team

作者 The uCoz team
版本号 0.4
大小 86.19 KB
官网下载次数 7121
更新时间 2013-10-18 00:00:00