Toonbook Buddy Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 5

扩展ID: pllgbikcebaondodhcdojmmijidllhla

A helpful Chrome extension for Toonbook users.A helpful Chrome extension for Toonbook users.

Toonbook Buddy is currently in beta, so it is not too feature rich.

Approved by Veni, one of the programmers of Toonbook!

- Desktop notifications when you get a notification on Toonbook
- A number next to the icon in the taskbar of how many notifications you have
- A Quick Post feature, quickly make a post wherever you are on Chrome
- Read your notifications anywhere



- You can now click a notification and be taken to their respective post (most of them anyway)
- Gave out custom nametags to anyone who asks for one. And a lot of people asked for one
- Added Christmas logo, created by Shade. The logo will automatically change every December
- You can now block posts by regex, say goodbye to stupid trends

- Comments (and occasionally posts) now show their ID
- Fixed a bug where Toonbook Buddy would only work on the main domain, and not other nodes
- Added a built in Adblock
- Replies now show the name next to the ID, to support non Toonbook Buddy users
- Added a notification on Toonbook when TBB updates

- Toonbook Buddy now has a new, custom icon
- Master Bart has the Toonbook Buddy logo next to his name (does he think he's better than us or something?)
- Added replying to comments
- Fixed a bug that would completely halt the window's execution

- Fixed a bug where isLoggedIn() would just...not work.
- Added post regex notifications! Enter a regex, and be alerted when someone makes a post matching that regex.

- Added a Mark All as Read button in the notification tab
- Fixed a glitch where you couldn't broadcast posts
- The version text now auto updates with the manifest version
- Added a Server Status tab

- Added option to toggle desktop notifications

- Added Notifications tab. Read your notifications anywhere!

- Release!
- Desktop notifications when you get a notification on Toonbook
- A number next to the icon in the taskbar of how many notifications you have
- A Quick Post feature, quickly make a post wherever you are on Chrome!
名称 Toonbook Buddy
插件标识 pllgbikcebaondodhcdojmmijidllhla
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 8

作者 boynedmaster
版本号 1.7
大小 118 KB
官网下载次数 13
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-12-21 00:00:00
