PPL Extension Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 14

扩展ID: pnfblgilngldijbdganjblbbacmndnkg

Jungle Scout and Scope extension that adds Proven Private Label (PPL) functionality.Jungle Scout and Scope extension that adds Proven Private Label (PPL) functionality.  See a Pass or Fail based on PPL guidelines right inside Jungle Scout or Scope.  This extension does require a small one time fee.  If you have not already purchased, you can get information about it here:  https://gum.co/pplext/chromestore

IMPORTANT!  You are not getting Jungle Scout or Scope with this extension.  You must already have one of those two products.

2.0.37 : 
  Move PPL results to bottom of Jungle Scout.
  Fix review highlighting.
2.0.35 : Fix to work with new Jungle Scout extension.
2.0.34 : Fix Chrome 73 bug where license was getting lost.
2.0.33 : Added Amazon CA support.
2.0.32 : Add halloween pass images.
2.0.31 : Fix sales not showing for Jungle Scout.
2.0.30 : Hopefully fix issue with license key being requested again.
2.0.29 : Fix issue with links from Scope.  Added Amazon DE, FR, IT and ES support.
2.0.28 : Fix issue with average price not calculating in the UK.
2.0.27 : Fix problem of spaces in license key.
2.0.26 : Fix for Jungle Scout and Amazon.co.uk.
2.0.25 : Added Scope support.  Added explanation of results.  Added copy icon for copying results that can be pasted into Excel or Google Sheet.
1.3.18 : Add frowning Ryan for Fails.
1.2.1 : Bug fixes
1.2.0 : Now updated while JS is loading results, giving a preview of the PPL score.  Will now recalculate after deleting a product.  Will copy and paste Excel formatted results by clicking the PPL score text.
1.1.0 : Added options screen to allow setting your own PPL parameters.
1.0.2 : First Release
名称 PPL Extension
插件标识 pnfblgilngldijbdganjblbbacmndnkg
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 9

作者 Raybek Solutions
版本号 2.0.37
大小 240 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-02-22 00:00:00
