UniSat Wallet Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: ppbibelpcjmhbdihakflkdcoccbgbkpo

Inscribe and store your inscriptions in the world's first Open Source Chrome wallet for Ordinals!Features

- Store and transfer your Ordinals 
- See unconfirmed incriptions immediately
- 100% Open-source (Repository link: https://github.com/unisat-wallet/extension)
- Inscribe (mint) on-the-fly without running a fullnode
- Store and transfer you brc-20s

UniSat Wallet is a browser extension wallet that makes it safe & easy for you to store, send and receive bitcoins and Ordinals on bitcoin blockchain. 

UniSat Wallet is a non-custodial wallet. We never have access to your funds. UniSat Wallet never stores your seed phrase, your password or any private information. Your accounts are derived from your Secret Recovery Phrase.

UniSat Wallet is 100% Open-source! 

- UniSat Wallet is a hierarchical deterministic wallet. Your accounts are derived from your Secret Recovery Phrase.
- Your private keys are encrypted on your device by your password and are never shared with anyone.
- UniSat Wallet doesn't track any personal identifiable information, your account addresses, or asset balances.
- Users can import accounts from single private keys. These accounts are not derived from your Secret Recovery Phrase and will be labelled as “imported”.
- Supports displaying and transfering Ordinals
- Supports Lightning Network (in future versions)

For more information visit https://unisat.io/
名称 UniSat Wallet
插件标识 ppbibelpcjmhbdihakflkdcoccbgbkpo
平台 Chrome
评分 3.6
评分人数 31


版本号 1.3.4
大小 3 B
官网下载次数 900000
更新时间 2024-03-04 00:00:00