Salesforce User Search Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 13

扩展ID: diiplokplceelkmeppegicjjplkflfml

Searches for Users using the Id, Usernam/Email Address or Name as well as thier name.This Salesforce extension allows you to search for users using their Full Name, Id, Email or Username.

This will enable users to bypass the Salesforce 2 step process of viewing users.

When searching for a user if you input any of the following after the username it will do a specific function:
1. --login; this will automatically log in as the user.
2. --deactivate; this will prompt you to confirm deactivation it will then forward you to the user deactivation page and automatically deactivate the user.
3. --activate; this will prompt you to confirm activation it will then forward you to the user to the activated users page.
4. --edit; this will automatically take you to the users profile and it will go direct to edit mode on the user.
4. --reset; this will reset the users password after confirmation then redirect you to the users page.

There are more still to come! However if you fancy submitting a translation or if you notice an issue with a translation please do get in contact.
名称 Salesforce User Search
插件标识 diiplokplceelkmeppegicjjplkflfml
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2

作者 timothygentetobrien
版本号 6
大小 38.06 KB
官网下载次数 60
分类 查看更多 搜索工具 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2017-02-01 00:00:00