Martian Aptos & Sui Wallet Extension Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: efbglgofoippbgcjepnhiblaibcnclgk

Martian is a self-custodial crypto wallet for Aptos & Sui. Buy, Send, Swap, Stake seamlessly. Get the Chrome extension now!Self-custodial Crypto Wallet Extension for Aptos & Sui blockchains. Safely & Securely explore the Aptos and Sui ecosystem touted as the most trusted wallet for the move network.

Explore the most trusted self-custodial wallet for both Aptos and Sui blockchains built for the Move Network. As part of our recent upgrade, you can dive into the vibrant Aptos & Sui ecosystem and experience the power of Martian, the Aptos Wallet extension; tailored to enhance your interaction with the Aptos & Sui blockchains.

Unleash the Potential of Aptos and Sui with Martian Wallet:

- Create and import wallets for seamless access to your assets
- Send, swap, stake, and receive coins effortlessly within the Aptos and Sui ecosystem
- Send, receive, list and buy NFTs within Martian Wallet
- Develop dApps on Aptos & Sui, integrated with Martian

Safety and Security at the Core:

- Mnemonic seed phrases are 100% encrypted for maximum protection
- Seed phrases are never stored by Martian on any server
- Review and simulate transactions before signing, ensuring a secure and informed experience

Embrace the Future of Web3 with Martian, Aptos & Sui Wallet Browser Extension:

- Create, import, and securely store mnemonics and derived private keys
- Transfer coins and NFTs with ease across the  Aptos & Sui blockchain
- Keep track of owned fungible tokens and NFTs
- Monitor recent transactions and access the Aptos Explorer for detailed insights for Aptos Network & Sui explorer for Sui Network  
- Web3 is now social with Martian, as a user, you can send/receive coins and receive NFTs on X(formerly Twitter)
- Earn rewards by performing your daily actions on the app
- Connect to DApps and sign human-readable transactions from trusted sources

Ready to dive into the dynamic world of Aptos and Sui? Don't miss the opportunity to experience a feature-rich and secure wallet solution tailored to the Aptos & Sui Blockchain ecosystem. 

Explore Martian Wallet, a Wallet extension for Aptos & Sui, and join the future of self-custodial digital asset management.
名称 Martian Aptos & Sui Wallet Extension
插件标识 efbglgofoippbgcjepnhiblaibcnclgk
平台 Chrome
评分 2.8
评分人数 84

版本号 1.7.14
大小 6 B
官网下载次数 500000
更新时间 2023-06-01 00:00:00