CrowdScrape Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 7

扩展ID: jjplaeklnlddpkbbdbnogmppffokemej

Scrape web content for indicators of interest and integrate CrowdStrike Intelligence informationThe CrowdStrike Intelligence Team is proud to announce the release of CrowdScrape version 1.3.3.

CrowdScrape is a Chrome Plugin designed to allow you to be able to scrape indicators from various websites and in-browser documents such as PDF reports while matching the data up against CrowdStrike Intelligence. This release provides bug fixes and enables support for customers in all cloud environments, and includes support for the OAuth2-based Intel API, which has replaced the deprecated legacy key-based APIs (see for further information on our API).

This easy to use tool produces indicator lists that collect:
· Domain, IP addresses, URLs, hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256) and Bitcoin addresses
· On-Screen Tagging of CrowdStrike known indicators, and links to Indicator Search
· Matches to CrowdStrike Intelligence with links to reports in CrowdStrike Intel Portal
· Integrations with the CrowdStrike Indicator Graph to visualise intelligence

In addition, you can use CrowdScrape to copy any indicators to clipboard making it easier to pull OSINT from different sources and converting this to a text file for implementation into your systems.
名称 CrowdScrape
插件标识 jjplaeklnlddpkbbdbnogmppffokemej
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 10

作者 CrowdStrike Inc.
版本号 1.3.3
大小 707 KB
官网下载次数 3000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2022-02-18 00:00:00


