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Block Site Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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*** Block Site is now on the safer manifest v3. Please report the compatibility bugs you are experiencing. You can export the current rules to a JSON file and send it to me to investigate. *** This extension will block access to websites of your choosing. A master password controls all customization options, as well as access to any blocked site. It's also possible to redirect navigation from one specific website to another. Features: 1. Block unwanted domains. 2. Prevent access to a range of websites using wildcard matching or regular expression matching. 3. Reverse mode allows access to only some hostnames and blocks access to all others. 4. Custom redirection; you can redirect a single blocked hostname to a new destination. 5. Display a custom message on blocked pages. 6. Time and date-based blocking. Only block access to the websites at specified times and dates. This feature can be configured per hostname. 7. Protect data leakage. This extension prevents certain hostnames from gathering network activity from your computer since blocking occurs before any network request is emitted to the server. 8. Auto-closes blocked tabs after some time. 10. Closes annoying pop-ups as soon as the opening request is received. 11. Pause and resume blocking from the right-click context menu of the toolbar button. 12. Support overwriting configurations by managed storage 13. Block cached page load with service worker 14. Block dynamic page change with history push method For the FAQs and general feature suggestions please use: For technical bug reports use:

分类 🔒隐私
插件标识 lebiggkccaodkkmjeimmbogdedcpnmfb
平台 Chrome
★★★☆☆ 3.80
评分人数 12
大小 166KiB
官网下载次数 90000


第1步: 打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序

第2步: 在地址栏输入: chrome://extensions/

第3步: 开启右上角的【开发者模式】

第4步: 重启Chrome浏览器 (重要操作)

第5步: 重新打开扩展程序管理界面

第6步: 将下载的crx文件直接拖入页面完成安装



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通过阻止浪费的网站来保护您的时间和体验。永久或按計劃阻止有害或惡意網站。 節省您的時間並防止訪問不需

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Easily block websites of your choice!Block Site is

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使用我们的主要功能保持专注并提高生产力:自定义阻止列表、计划的站点阻止和密码保护使用 Block

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