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Email Hunter Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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Email Extractor tool that save time and efforts. Forget copying and pasting. It collects emails as you browse websites.

Email Extractor is a time proven email grabber tool which helps collection emails. Email Hunter easily extracts email addresses from pages as you visit them and auto saves them all. This chrome app finds email addresses scraping and searching source code and no matter what you see on the front. The functions: - extract emails from visited pages - auto search - export collected emails to text file and copy to clipboard - unsafe pages skipping without extracting emails In addition, subject to your consent through the prominent notice, we will be accessing and collecting your non-personal web browsing data to use the unsafe pages detection feature for free. The feature can be disabled on the Options page, if not - we will share the collected web browsing data in an aggregated, anonymized format with our affiliated companies and business partners for commercial use. We wish to make it clear, we do not want to know your identity, preferences or any information about you personally, all as detailed in the Privacy Policy. Our extension collect and use all web browsing activity are needed to improve the function of detecting unsafe pages. Privacy Policy:

分类 📝工作流程与规划
插件标识 mbindhfolmpijhodmgkloeeppmkhpmhc
平台 Chrome
★★★☆☆ 3.70
评分人数 11
大小 258KiB
官网下载次数 200000


第1步: 打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序

第2步: 在地址栏输入: chrome://extensions/

第3步: 开启右上角的【开发者模式】

第4步: 重启Chrome浏览器 (重要操作)

第5步: 重新打开扩展程序管理界面

第6步: 将下载的crx文件直接拖入页面完成安装

