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Adblock for YouTube™ Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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Privacy aware, secure Adblock for YouTube™. Blocks any ads on

🌟 Say Goodbye to Annoying Ads and Preroll Videos on Youtube with Adblock for Youtube❣️ 🌟 Blocks ads from Youtube™ and counts the life-time you saved by not seeing Ads on Youtube™ 🌟 Unlock an uninterrupted and personalized Youtube experience by installing Adblock for Youtube now! 💪 „Adblock for Youtube“ is the perfect solution for an interruption-free and more comfortable Youtube experience. This browser extension blocks all ads and preroll videos on the website, allowing you to watch videos without any interruptions. With this extension, you’ll be able to enjoy your videos without being bothered by unwanted ads and preroll videos, making your time on Youtube more enjoyable. The extension is easy to install and use. Once installed, it runs in the background, automatically blocking all ads and preroll videos on Youtube. You can also customize the extension’s rules to suit your preferences, for example, by blocking preroll videos longer than 15 seconds or ads that contain certain keywords. In addition to blocking ads and preroll videos, the extension can also improve your overall experience on Youtube by speeding up page load times and reducing data usage. Installing the extension is simple. You can get it from the web store for your specific browser (e.g the Chrome Web Store for Google Chrome) by searching for „Adblock for Youtube“ and adding it to your browser. Once installed, the extension will show an icon on your browser’s toolbar, which you can use to turn the extension on or off, as well as to access the settings menu where you can modify the rules and preferences. With „Adblock for Youtube“ you don’t have to worry about unwanted interruptions while watching videos. This extension will make your time on Youtube much more comfortable and enjoyable. Give it a try today and see the difference it makes. Your Key to an Uninterrupted and Improved Online Experience!

分类 📝工作流程与规划
插件标识 pginoclcfbhkoomedcodiclncajkkcba
平台 Chrome
★★★★☆ 4.10
评分人数 49
大小 274KiB
官网下载次数 40000


第1步: 打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序

第2步: 在地址栏输入: chrome://extensions/

第3步: 开启右上角的【开发者模式】

第4步: 重启Chrome浏览器 (重要操作)

第5步: 重新打开扩展程序管理界面

第6步: 将下载的crx文件直接拖入页面完成安装



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