Unlimited Email Tracker Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: gojogohjgpelafgaeejgelmplndppifh

Free email tracker extension for your Gmail. Email tracking and link clicks statistics for your email messages.Snovio Email Tracker is a completely free and beautifully designed email tracking extension for Gmail that will show you which emails have been opened by your recipients or prospects, including the number of opens and link clicks, right in your Gmail or Gsuite interface.


This email tracker extension doesn't add any visible links, signatures, logos or trademarks to your emails, and doesn't ask to upgrade to a paid version since its completely free. This is a good alternative to Mailtrack, Yesware, Bananatag and Mixmax. Make sure to only have one email tracker extension enabled to avoid conflicts and errors. 

Snovio Email Tracker displays labels in your Gmail to let you know about the status of your sent emails.

 You will see: 
 - a white label Unopened if an email has not yet been opened;
 - a purple label Opened with the number of times the recipient opened the email;
 - a green label Clicks with the number of times the recipient followed a link in the email.

 - No signature forever
 - This is an unlimited email tracker, we never limit you on how many emails 
   you can track
 - Tracking of email opens
 - Tracking of number of email opens
 - Tracking of link clicks
 - Send Later function - allows to send an email on a desired time
 - Switch across multiple gmail accounts in the extension
 - Live Push notifications in your browser when an email is opened or a link is clicked
 - Inbuilds seamlessly into your Gmail interface

Email Tracker permissions
1."*://*.snov.io/*" - access to our pages and API
2."https://*.googleusercontent.com/*" - for blocking tracking images to prevent tracking email opens and link clicks from user's own account
3."https://mail.google.com/*" - access to Gmail pages
4."tabs" - for using the chrome.tabs API (getting bookmark links, creating new tabs with our link, reloading open Gmail pages)
5."cookies" - session recovery via cookies from app.snov.io
6."storage" - we store the activation settings of the tracker in the synchronized storage (if it's activated on one computer, then the settings are synchronized on others via Google account)
7."notifications" - push notifications
8."gcm" - to transfer data from the server to the client, needed to show push notifications
9."webRequest" - to intercept the download of our tracking pictures        
10."webRequestBlocking" - to block the download of our tracking pictures

Drop us a line if you have any questions:
[email protected]

👉 https://snov.io/email-tracker.html
名称 Unlimited Email Tracker
插件标识 gojogohjgpelafgaeejgelmplndppifh
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2992


作者 snov.io
版本号 4.8
大小 403 KB
官网下载次数 60000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-29 00:00:00
